Welcome to the LightHaus Community!

Ask product questions, share tips and solutions, and participate in a range of discussions to fuel your discoveries!

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Welcome to the LightHaus Community! The mission of this online community is to provide a peer-to-peer and direct support channel for people who are interested in everything eco-friendly. It is a central for education and thought leadership on best practices, where we also ideate with customers directly on how to improve and extend their green lives.


While our community is aimed at EcoHaus customers and partners, we welcome everyone with an interest in eco-friendliness, as long as you observe these community rules:

1. Be respectful.
Respect people's time and attention by asking well-thought-out questions and sharing what you've learned so far in your experimentation or prior research. Respect people as individuals by keeping your tone positive and your comments constructive.

2. Be relevant.
Make sure your contributions are relevant to the mission of the community, to the specific discussion style and topic where you post. Please do not post duplicate messages in different areas of the community to avoid fragmenting discussion. If you have a new question, start a new thread rather than interrupting a conversation. Solicitations are rarely relevant. If you have something you want members to join, participate in, or buy, ask us first.

3. Keep your word.
Don't post anything that would violate any contractual agreements (copyright, trade secret or otherwise) or nondisclosure agreements to which you are a party.

4. Protect privacy - yours and others'.
Don't share anything about yourself or your organization that you would not want to see on a road-side billboard. Share your business email address if you wish, but don't post personal information-your own or anyone else's-including contact information or any content that you receive in one-to-one communications without the author's consent.

5. Remember, this is user-generated content.
You'll find plenty of good advice here, but remember that your situation, configuration, or implementation may vary from that of the individual sharing a solution. Some advice you find here may even be wrong. Apply the same good judgment here that you would apply to information anywhere on the Internet.

By using these forums you agree to follow these rules as well as the full EcoHaus LightHaus Terms of Service for the LightHaus Community. We thank you, and your fellow community members thank you.

Welcome to the LightHaus Community! An Introduction.

by Community Manager ‎12-19-2013 09:11 PM - edited ‎12-20-2013 10:08 AM (2,679 Views)
by Community Manager
on ‎03-07-2014 11:36 AM

Happy to find such a great site and looking forward to joining the EcoHaus community!
