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Hi Hailey, Are you a mind reader? We're working on a partnership with BioBag and are getting ready to put it on the product page soon! In the meantime here's a link to their website: biobagusa.com We LOVE their product! Cheers, EH Support

Terrific News @Ecohaus !


I love it when the grocery stores use these compostable bags for their organic produce.  

Is it weird that I love the way they feel?  The texture is so soft and it just feels like a nice piece of silk. Robot Embarassed




They're great for storing veggies in the fridge. They keep for an extra two days I've discovered.

Happy to hear they'll be part of the ecohaus line.




Hi Hailey, Are you a mind reader? We're working on a partnership with BioBag and are getting ready to put it on the product page soon! In the meantime here's a link to their website: biobagusa.com We LOVE their product! Cheers, EH Support 1

We love the product.

Does anybody have a line on an affordable producer of compostable garbage bags?
It's so nice to have them around but using one a day can get expensive!!



Compostable Bags

by on ‎08-07-2015 09:22 AM (673 Views)