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Water Pebble that can monitor your water usage

by on ‎12-18-2013 08:47 PM

Here is my idea to make the world a greener place: 


It’s easy even for the most environmentally conscious among us to forget ourselves a little bit when we’re relaxing under a steady stream of hot, soothing water. But water tends to come gushing out of showerheads so fast, it’s easy to lose track of just how much we’ve used. If you had a Waterpebble, however, it would be as simple as looking down at the ground. This weird little gadget monitors the amount of water that reaches the drain as you’re showering and displays either a green, yellow or red light. But that’s not all it does – it’s a shower miser, automatically reducing your shower time every day.

on ‎06-22-2015 10:21 AM

@MaryE  we actually have added the WaterPebble to our catalog! Thank you so much for the suggestion. We LOVE this product!


See it here on our product pages WaterPebble

