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Posts: 12
Registered: ‎07-16-2014
Accepted Answer

Thermostat auto rebooting

Im having problems with my termostat, it automatically reboots randomly, the problem is that everytime it goes to factory default settings, this is really annoying and it is costing me extra energy, is there a way to solve this? 

Or this just needs to be replaced? Any advice? I would like to solve this ASAP...

Posts: 7
Registered: ‎01-23-2014

Re: Thermostat auto rebooting

Hi John, Im sorry you're having this problem, this is a known issue and requires replacement, we will internally review our stock and delivery time, and get back to you.


Keep it green!
Community Manager
Posts: 91
Registered: ‎01-28-2014

Thermostat auto rebooting

[ Edited ]

Hi John, Im pleased to inform you that the replacement is on the way to your home, and will be arriving tomorrow. You can replace it following the instructions on the below link: https://community.ecohaus.me/t5/Resources/Haven-Thermostat-Installation-Help/ta-p/440

Community Manager
Posts: 91
Registered: ‎01-28-2014

Thermostat auto rebooting

Here is my post I think it' will help you.

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