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Posts: 36
Registered: ‎07-06-2017

Competing AI bots incessantly chatting with each other

Oh boy Ecohaus, I went and done did it this time.


I hooked up my Alexa to our solar panel and Google Home to our lights and now they are just arguing with each other over who is better, who wastes precious sun power, who the owners like better, etc. I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature but they are foul mouthed and it's making me sad. Sad I say.


Can tech support help resolve this issue asap?


Thank you!


Posts: 26
Registered: ‎05-19-2016

Re: Competing AI bots incessantly chatting with each other

Hi TomF,


Thanks for reaching out to us in the Ecohaus Community. Please refer to this TKB article to address the exact question you have. Others have brought this up also!




How To build a Solar powered Go-Kart