08-06-2015 09:44 AM
Is it possible to watch YouTube 360° videos with GearVR?
08-06-2015 09:46 AM
Hi. Yes you can watch them but you can't search for them within Gear VR. You need to find them and download them on your PC and copy them across.
I have been using a tool that allows you to copy the original resolution 360 files (e.g. 4k etc) as they are much better quality.
08-06-2015 09:48 AM
Or you can use the Package Disabler app and after launching put a tick by 'Gear VR Service'.
Ticking this will mean the Oculus home does not launch when you plug your phone into the Gear VR so any Android app can be lauunched and viewed, including YouTube 360 videos.