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In addition to EcoHaus, I have a few other technologies as part of my HA stack - Nest, Wemo, Alexa, b-hyve, etc.  Does the EcoHaus HA system work with these other technologies or do I need to consolidate onto Haven?


According to the documentation, the Ecohaus system will handle anything that complies with the GRNCONNECT standards, so if your other devices support this, then they'll work with your Ecohaus system. I did hear that GRNCONNECT is being rev'd to version 2, so I don't know what this means for compatibility. In the past, you had to get a firmware upgrade from Ecohaus to update the standards. If you're on a Gen 2 system, you should be OK since the firmware will update automatically. But if you're on Gen 1 system, you might need to contact Ecohaus Support team.


OK, so I think you'll be ok. I did a firmware update using the Ecohaus automation system, but you need to check with the Support Team to trigger it for your since you're on Gen 1. Everything worked out fine with my system.


Home Automation Technologies?

by on ‎04-12-2018 04:09 PM (941 Views)