Let's use electricity to separate CO2 into Oxygen and sequestable Carbon.
Does anyone know if it's possible to create a smartmeter that connects to the internet via wifi. If it's possible, then I can use my iphone to control my heating.
I strongly believe that if we create PV cells using Copper iridium thin-film, rolled in to Cylindrical tubes, we'll have solar panels that will absorb more energy throughout the day.
I would like to see you carry more rainwater collection products.
I would like to see a smartphone app that turns energy saving into a competition among my friends and neighbors.
We could share and compare consumption statistics and get push notifications informing everyone how well they are doing compared with their friends in a weekly energy efficiency contest. Vote for it!
here it is
Here is my idea...
New Home Automation Appliance that can be controlled via Iphone
it would be great to get real time notifications from nest on any other device - no just iOS app - is it possible?
I think it would be great if Ecoahaus could act as a marketplace for Financial Products adn Govt subsidies that are available for people wanting to add Solar Panels to their homes.