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Update: Nest Automated Home Thermostats

by Community Manager ‎08-21-2017 08:36 PM - edited ‎08-22-2017 12:50 PM

Nest Product v2.jpg


Nest brings innovation to the home, with a combintion of hardware, software and services. Like Tesla is doing to cars, Nest is creating a new awareness with genuine mass market appeal. They're doing for the energy industry what Apple did to computers and what HBO did to television; that is, making something truly tasty and something people crave.


Friendly ecological and innovative

by on ‎01-24-2014 01:10 AM

Nest Blog

Nest brings innovation to the home, with a combintion of hardware, software and services. Like Tesla is doing to cars, which hadn't been made with genuine sex appeal in years? both are doing for the energy industry what Apple did to computers and what HBO did to television; that is, making something truly tasty, something people crave.